“Second only to being a parent, the highest responsibility you can be given is to be a leader.”
Carsten Haugaard, CEO and Founder Activator Group
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses”
Henry Ford, Founder Ford Motors
Our History
Activator Group was established by Carsten Haugaard in 2003. In 2005 the sister company Activator Event was established and in 2022 AGI TEK became a part of the family.
Our Mission and Vision
We want to make a difference. We develop people-leaders and organizations. Great leaders and great people make a better world.
Why Activator Group
Using our talents, experience and knowledge we aim to accelerate all your business goals by optimizing your leadership and your people within your organization.
Putting our vision into practice
We believe that everyone and every organisation is unique but we also believe that we can all learn from each other.
“A good leader leads by example,not by force”
What we do ….
Activator Leadership and Team Training
Being a good leader has always been important but the demand for good leadership is constantly growing.
Field Missions
All companies need to be inspired and challenged. It’s all about seeing and meeting people and places you would never normally experience.
Activator Projectand Program Leadership
More and more tasks within companies are bundled and need to be executed as projects.
Simulation & Traning
In cooperation with the Danish Home Guard, Activator Group are in process of developing an online virtual training tool for use in training of military instructors.
Activator Recruitment
We tailor our process for finding the right candidate as quickly as possible without compromising the correct match.
Carsten Haugaard and Mette Balslev Lorenzen, cognitive psychotherapist MPF and mindfulness instructor have put together a fully comprehensive course in management.
Open positions ….
We are looking for you
We are experienced matchmakers.
Do you need your next match in your career?
See our open positions below and don’t hesitate to reach out to us, if you have any questions. You can find the consultant responsible for the recruitment at each posting.
We take pride in making the right match – and we work fast. So, apply as soon as possible, and be ready for curious dialogues and a little bit of profiling.
Some of our clients
Don't be a stranger
"Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them." – Henry Ford, Founder Ford Motor Company
If we can help you, please contact us